Caddy: Reverse Proxy


Reverse Proxy HTTP, HTTPS, FastCGI, WebSockets, gRPC, FastCGI (usually PHP), and more!


Main features of this plugin:

  • Easy to configure and reliable! Reverse Proxy any HTTP/HTTPS or WebSocket application in minutes.

  • Automatic Let’s Encrypt and ZeroSSL certificates with HTTP-01 and TLS-ALPN-01 challenge

  • DNS-01 challenge and Dynamic DNS with supported DNS Providers built right in

  • Use custom certificates from OPNsense certificate store

  • Wildcard Domain and Subdomain support

  • Access Lists to restrict access based on static networks

  • Basic Auth to restrict access by username and password

  • Forward Auth with Authelia

  • Syslog-ng integration and HTTP Access Log

  • NTLM Transport

  • Header manipulation

  • Simple load balancing with passive health check

  • Widgets for OPNsense Dashboard (24.7 and later)

All available options and helptexts can be found on Github


  • Install “os-caddy” from the OPNsense Plugins.

Prepare OPNsense for Caddy After Installation


Caddy uses port 80 and 443. So the OPNsense WebGUI or other plugins can’t bind to these ports.

Go to System ‣ Settings ‣ Administration

  • Change the TCP Port to 8443 (example), do not forget to adjust the firewall rules to allow access to the WebGUI. On LAN there is a hidden anti-lockout rule that takes care of this automatically. On other interfaces, make sure to add explicit rules.

  • Enable the checkbox for HTTP Redirect - Disable web GUI redirect rule.

Go to Firewall ‣ Rules ‣ WAN

  • Create Firewall rules that allow HTTP and HTTPS to destination This Firewall on WAN





TCP/IP Version







This Firewall

Destination port range

from: HTTP to: HTTP


Caddy Reverse Proxy HTTP





TCP/IP Version







This Firewall

Destination port range

from: HTTPS to: HTTPS


Caddy Reverse Proxy HTTPS

Go to Firewall ‣ Rules ‣ LAN and create the same rules for the LAN interface. Now external and internal clients can connect to Caddy, and Let’s Encrypt or ZeroSSL certificates will be issued automatically.


  • A DNS Provider is not required to get automatic certificates.
  • Port Forwards, NAT Reflection, Split Horizon DNS or DNS Overrides in Unbound are not required. Only create Firewall rules that allow traffic to the default ports of Caddy.
  • Firewall rules to allow Caddy to reach upstream destinations are not required. OPNsense has a default rule that allows all traffic originating from it to be allowed.
  • ACME Clients on reverse proxied upstream destinations will not be able to issue certificates. Caddy intercepts /.well-known/acme-challenge. This can be solved by using the HTTP-01 Challenge Redirection option in the advanced mode of domains. Please check the tutorial section for an example.
  • When using Caddy with IPv6, the best choice is to have a GUA (Global Unicast Address) on the WAN interface, since otherwise the TLS-ALPN-01 challenge might fail.
  • Let’s Encrypt or ZeroSSL can not be explicitely chosen. Caddy automatically issues one of these options, determined by speed and availability. These certificates can be found in /var/db/caddy/data/caddy/certificates.
  • When an Upstream Destination only supports TLS connections, yet does not offer a valid certificate, enable TLS Insecure Skip Verify in a Handler to mitigate connection problems.
  • Caddy upgrades all connections automatically from HTTP to HTTPS. When cookies do not have have the secure flag set by the application serving them, they can still be transmitted unencrypted before the connection is upgraded. If these cookies contain very sensitive information, it might be a good choice to close port 80.
  • There is no TCP/UDP stream and WAF (Web Application Firewall) support in this plugin. For a business grade Reverse Proxy with WAF functionality, use os-OPNWAF. For TCP/UDP streaming, use either os-nginx or os-haproxy. As an alternative to a WAF, it is simple to integrate Caddy with CrowdSec. Check the tutorial section for guidance.

Caddy: Tutorials

Standard Configuration


The tutorial section implies that Prepare OPNsense for Caddy after installation has been followed.

Creating a Simple Reverse Proxy

The domain has to be externally resolvable. Create an A-Record with an external DNS Provider that points to the external IP Address of the OPNsense.

Go to Services ‣ Caddy Web Server ‣ General Settings

  • Check Enabled to enable Caddy
  • Input a valid email address into the Acme Email field. This is mandatory to receive automatic Let’s Encrypt and ZeroSSL certificates.
  • Press Save

Go to Services ‣ Caddy Web Server ‣ Reverse Proxy ‣ Domains

  • Press Step 1: Add Domain. This will be the frontend that receives the traffic for the chosen domain name.





Leave empty

  • Press Save
  • Press Step 2: Add Upstream. This will create a handler that routes the traffic from the frontend domain to the an internal service.




Upstream Domain:

Upstream Port:

Leave empty, or use a custom port

TLS Insecure Skip Verify

Enable if internal service requires HTTPS connection

  • Press Save and Apply

The automatic certificate will be installed, check the Logfile if there are errors. Now the frontend domain receives all requests, and reverse proxies them to the upstream destination (or custom port).

And that’s it, a working reliable reverse proxy in less than a minute. There are a lot of additional options, but this is essentially all that is needed for simple setups.


Since OPNsense 24.7, there is a Caddy Certificate Dashboard widget that shows all issued automatic certificates.


TLS Insecure Skip Verify can be used in private networks. If the upstream destination is in an insecure network, like the internet or a dmz, consider using proper certificate handling.

Restrict Access to Internal IPs

Since the reverse proxy will accept all connections, restricting access with a firewall rule would impact all domains. Access Lists can restrict access per domain. In this example, they are used to restrict access to only internal IPv4 networks, refusing connections from the internet.

Go to Services ‣ Caddy Web Server ‣ Reverse Proxy ‣ Access ‣ Access Lists

  • Press + to create a new Access List



Access List Name:


Client IP Addresses:


Allow access from private IPv4 ranges

  • Press Save

Go to Services ‣ Caddy Web Server ‣ Reverse Proxy ‣ Domains

  • Edit an existing Domain or Subdomain and expand the Access Tab.



Access List:


  • Press Save and Apply

Now, all connections without a private IPv4 address will be served an empty page. To outright refuse the connection, the option Abort Connections in Services ‣ Caddy Web Server ‣ General Settings should be additionally enabled. Some applications might demand a HTTP Error code instead of having their connection aborted, an example could be monitoring systems. For these a custom HTTP Response Code can be enabled.


Access Lists will match before Basic Auth, so both options can synergize.

Restrict Access with Basic Auth

Since the reverse proxy will accept all connections, restricting access with a firewall rule would impact all domains. Basic Auth will restrict access to one or multiple users.

Go to Services ‣ Caddy Web Server ‣ Reverse Proxy ‣ Access ‣ Basic Auth

  • Press + to create a new User







  • Press Save and create additional Users if needed, e.g. Sarah.

Go to Services ‣ Caddy Web Server ‣ Reverse Proxy ‣ Domains

  • Edit an existing Domain or Subdomain and expand the Access Tab.



Basic Auth:

John, Sarah

  • Press Save and Apply

Now, all anonymous connections have to authenticate with Basic Auth before accessing the reverse proxied service.


Using Crowdsec is recommended. It will log authentication errors, and will ban these IP addresses. This prevents password bruteforcing.

Dynamic DNS

Supported Dynamic DNS Providers and requests for additions can be found here.


Read the full help text for guidance. It could also be necessary to check the selected provider module at Caddy DNS for further instructions. These modules are community maintained. When a module introduces issues that are not fixed it will be removed from this plugin.

Dynamic DNS with Reverse Proxy

Go to Services ‣ Caddy Web Server ‣ General Settings ‣ DNS Provider

  • Select one of the supported DNS Providers from the list

  • Input the DNS API Key, and any number of the additional required fields in Additional Fields.

Go to Services ‣ Caddy Web Server ‣ General Settings ‣ Dynamic DNS

  • Choose if DynDns IP Version should include IPv4 and/or IPv6.

  • Press Save

Go to Services ‣ Caddy Web Server ‣ Reverse Proxy ‣ Domains

  • Press + to create a new Domain. is an example if duckdns is used as DNS Provider.




Dynamic DNS:


Go to Services - Caddy Web Server - Reverse Proxy – Handlers

  • Press + to create a new Handler




Upstream Domain:

  • Press Save and Apply

Check the Logfile for the DynDNS updates. Set it to Informational and search for the chosen domain.

Dynamic DNS in Client Mode

Sometimes, only the Dynamic DNS functionality is needed. There can be cases where a DNS Provider is fully supported in os-caddy, yet not in other DynDNS plugins of the OPNsense. With the right configuration, this plugin can be used as DynDNS Client without using port 80 and 443, which stay free to use for other services.

Go to Services ‣ Caddy Web Server ‣ General Settings

  • Check enabled to enable Caddy
  • Set AutoHTTPS to off - This will ensure port 80 will not be used by Caddy.

  • Enable the advanced options and set the HTTPS Port to a random upper TCP port, e.g. 20000.

Go to Services ‣ Caddy Web Server ‣ General Settings ‣ DNS Provider

  • Select one of the supported DNS Providers from the list.

  • Input the DNS API Key, and any number of the additional required fields in Additional Fields.

Go to Services ‣ Caddy Web Server ‣ General Settings ‣ Dynamic DNS

  • Choose if DynDns IP Version should include IPv4 and/or IPv6.

  • Extend Additional Checks and for DynDns Check Interface select the WAN interface.

  • Press Save

Go to Services ‣ Caddy Web Server ‣ Reverse Proxy ‣ Domains

  • Press + to create a new Domain. is an example if duckdns is used as DNS Provider.




Dynamic DNS:


  • Create any additional domains for DynDNS updates just like that.
  • Press Save and Apply

Wildcard Domain with Subdomains


If in doubt, do not use subdomains. If there should be, and, just create them as three base domains. This way, there is the most flexibility, and the most features are supported.

Go to Services ‣ Caddy Web Server ‣ General Settings ‣ DNS Provider

  • Select one of the supported DNS Providers from the list

  • Input the DNS API Key, and any number of the additional required fields in Additional Fields. Read the full help for details.

Go to Services ‣ Caddy Web Server ‣ Reverse Proxy ‣ Domains

  • Create * as domain and activate the DNS-01 challenge checkbox. Alternatively, use a certificate imported or generated in System ‣ Trust ‣ Certificates. It has to be a wildcard certificate.
  • Press Apply to enable Services ‣ Caddy Web Server ‣ Reverse Proxy ‣ Subdomains. This tab only shows when a wildcard domain has been configured.
  • Create all subdomains in relation to the * domain, for example and

Go to Services ‣ Caddy Web Server ‣ Reverse Proxy ‣ Handlers

  • Create a Handler with * as domain and as subdomain. Most of the same configuration as with base domains are possible.


The certificate of a wildcard domain will only contain *, not a SAN for Create an additional domain for with an additional handler for its upstream destination. Subdomains do not support setting ports, they will always track the ports of their assigned parent wildcard domain.

Reverse Proxy the OPNsense WebGUI


The same approach can be used for any upstream destination using TLS and a self-signed certificate.


The OPNsense WebGUI is only bound to when no specific interface is selected: System ‣ Settings ‣ Administration - Listen Interfaces - All (recommended). Otherwise, use the IP address of the specific interface as “Upstream Domain”.
When setting Enable syncookies to always in Firewall ‣ Settings ‣ Advanced, reverse proxying the WebGUI is currently not possible. Set it to an adaptive setting, or never (default).
  • Open the OPNsense WebGUI in a browser (e.g. Chrome or Firefox). Inspect the certificate by clicking on the 🔒 in the address bar. Copy the SAN for later use. It can be a hostname, for example OPNsense.localdomain.
  • Save the certificate as .pem file. Open it up with a text editor, and copy the contents into a new entry in System ‣ Trust ‣ Authorities. Name the certificate opnsense-selfsigned.
  • Add a new Domain, for example
  • Add a new Handler with the following options:




Upstream Domain:

Upstream Port:

8443 (WebGUI Port)



TLS Trust Pool:


TLS Server Name:


  • Press Save and Apply

Go to System ‣ Settings ‣ Administration

  • Input in Alternate Hostnames to prevent the error The HTTP_REFERER "" does not match the predefined settings

  • Press Save

Open and it should serve the reverse proxied OPNsense WebGUI. Check the log file for errors if it does not work, most of the time the TLS Server Name doesn’t match the SAN of the TLS Trust Pool. Caddy does not support certificates with only a CN Common Name.


Create an Access List to restrict access to the WebGUI.

Redirect ACME HTTP-01 Challenge

Sometimes an application behind Caddy uses its own ACME Client to get certificates, most likely with the HTTP-01 challenge. This plugin has a built in mechanism to redirect this challenge type easily to a destination behind it.

Make sure the chosen domain is externally resolvable. Create an A-Record with an external DNS Provider that points to the external IP Address of the OPNsense. In case of IPv6 availability, it is mandatory to create an AAAA-Record too, otherwise the TLS-ALPN-01 challenge might fail.

It is mandatory that the domain in Caddy uses an empty port or 443 in the GUI, otherwise it can not use the TLS-ALPN-01 challenge for itself. The upstream destination has to listen on Port 80 and serve /.well-known/acme-challenge/, for the same domain that is configured in Caddy.

Go to Services ‣ Caddy Web Server ‣ Reverse Proxy ‣ Domains

  • Press + to create a new Domain




HTTP-01 Challenge Redirection:

  • Press Save and Apply

The HTTP-01 Challenge Redirection is active and the internal resource located at will be able to issue the certificate for the domain If the internal ressource should also be reverse proxied, add a handler to the domain.

Go to Services ‣ Caddy Web Server ‣ Reverse Proxy ‣ Handler

  • Press + to create a new Handler




Upstream Domain:

Upstream Port:




TLS Server Name:

  • Press Save and Apply

With this configuration, Caddy will choose the TLS-ALPN-01 challenge to get its own certificate for, and reverse proxy the HTTP-01 challenge to, where the upstream destination can listen on port 80 for With TLS enabled in the Handler, an encrypted connection is automatically possible. The automatic HTTP to HTTPS redirection is also taken care of.

Filter by Domain

Having a large configuration can become a bit cumbersome to navigate. To help, a new filter functionality has been added to the top right corner of the Domains and Handlers tab, called Filter by Domain.

In Filter by Domain, one or multiple Domains can be selected, and as filter result, only their corresponding configuration will be displayed in Domains, Subdomains and Handlers. This makes keeping track of large configurations a breeze.

Advanced Configuration

Multiple Handlers for a Domain

Handlers are not limited to one per domain/subdomain. If there are multiple different URIs to handle (e.g. /foo/* and /bar/*), create a handler for each of them. Just make sure each of these URIs are on the same level, creating /foo/* and /foo/bar/* will make /foo/* match everything.

Doing this can route traffic to different upstreams based on URIs. It could also be used to send certain URIs into a blackhole by setting an upstream that does not exist (e.g. to block /ecp/*).

Additionally, when creating an empty handler for a domain/subdomain, the templating logic will always automatically place it last in the Caddyfile site block. This means, specific URIs will always match before an empty URI. An example would be to block specific URIs, route others specifically, and then set a catch all empty handle last to handle all unspecific traffic.

When using a mix of wildcard domains and subdomains, a handler set only on the wildcard domain will match after all subdomains. That way, all unmatched subdomains can be sent to a custom upstream.

Different handling logics can be selected, e.g. handle path to strip the URI or handle to preserve the URI.

An example Caddyfile would look like this:

# Reverse Proxy Domain: "531e7877-0b58-4f93-a9f0-54beee58bdea" {
        handle /ecp/* {
                reverse_proxy blackhole {

        handle /autodiscover/* {
                reverse_proxy {

        handle {
                reverse_proxy {
# Reverse Proxy Domain: "58760ae1-2409-4a6b-a6c4-d58b15706b55" {
        handle {
                reverse_proxy {

Reverse Proxy to a Webserver with Vhosts

Sometimes it is necessary to alter the host header in order to reverse proxy to another webserver with vhosts.

Since Caddy passes the original host header by default (e.g., if the upstream destination listens on a different hostname (e.g., it would not be able to serve this request.

Go to Services ‣ Caddy Web Server ‣ Reverse Proxy ‣ Domains

  • Press + to create a new Domain




  • Press Save

Go to Services ‣ Caddy Web Server ‣ Reverse Proxy ‣ Headers

  • Press + to create a new Header





Header Type:


Header Value:


  • Press Save

Go to Services ‣ Caddy Web Server ‣ Reverse Proxy ‣ Handler

  • Press + to create a new Handler




Upstream Domain:

Header Manipulation:

header_up Host {upstream_hostport}

  • Press Save and Apply

CrowdSec Integration

CrowdSec is a powerful alternative to a WAF. It uses logs to dynamically ban IP addresses of known bad actors. The Caddy plugin is prepared to emit the json logs for this integration.

Go to Services ‣ Caddy Web Server ‣ General Settings ‣ Log Settings

  • Enable Log HTTP Access in JSON Format

  • Press Save

Go to Services ‣ Caddy Web Server ‣ Reverse Proxy –-> Domains

  • Open each Domain that should be monitored by CrowdSec and open Access

  • Enable HTTP Access Log

Now the HTTP access logs will appear in /var/log/caddy/access in json format, one file for each domain.

Next, connect to the OPNsense via SSH or console, go into the shell with Option 8.


This step requires the os-crowdsec plugin.

  • Once in the shell, install the caddy collection from CrowdSec Hub. cscli collections install crowdsecurity/caddy

  • Create the configuration file as /usr/local/etc/crowdsec/acquis.d/caddy.yaml with the following content:

  - /var/log/caddy/access/*.log

force_inotify: true
poll_without_inotify: true

  type: caddy
  • Go into the OPNsense WebGUI and restart CrowdSec.

High Availability Setups

There are a few possible configurations to run Caddy successfully in a High Availability Setup with two OPNsense firewalls.

The main issue to think about is the certificate handling. If a CARP VIP is used on the WAN interface, and the A and AAAA Records of all domains point to this CARP VIP, the backup Caddy will not be able to issue ACME certificates without some additional configuration.

There are three methods that support XMLRPC sync:


These methods can be mixed, just make sure to use a coherent configuration. It is best to decide for one method. Only Domains need configuration, Subdomains do not need any configuration for HA.

  1. Using custom certificates from the OPNsense Trust store for all Domains.

  2. Using the DNS-01 Challenge in the settings of Domains.

  3. Using the HTTP-01 Challenge Redirection option in the advanced settings of Domains.

Since the HTTP-01 Challenge Redirection needs some additional steps to work, it should be set up as followed:

  • Configure Caddy on the master OPNsense until the whole initial configuration is completed.
  • On the master OPNsense, select each Domain, and set the IP Address in HTTP-01 Challenge Redirection to the same value as in Synchronize Config to IP found in System ‣ High Availability ‣ Settings.
  • Create a new Firewall rule on the master OPNsense that allows Port 80 and 443 to This Firewall on the interface that has the prior selected IP Address (most likely a LAN or VLAN interface).
  • Sync this configuration with XMLRPC sync.

Now both Caddy instances will be able to issue ACME certificates at the same time. Caddy on the master OPNsense uses the TLS-ALPN-01 challenge for itself and reverse proxies the HTTP-01 challenge to the Caddy of the backup OPNsense. Please make sure, that the master and backup OPNsense are both listening on their WAN and LAN (or VLAN) interfaces on port 80 and 443, since both ports are required for these challenges to work.


Check the Logfile on both Caddy instances for successful challenges. Look for certificate obtained successfully informational messages.

Forward Auth

Delegating authentication to Authelia, before serving an app via reverse proxy, is a very advanced usecase. The Forward Auth Documentation should be used for inspiration.

To attach the Forward Auth directive to a handler, the Auth Provider has to be filled out in the General Settings. Afterwards, the Forward Auth checkbox in a Handler can be selected. This will prepend the forward_auth directive in front of the reverse_proxy directive in the scope of that Handler. Headers are set automatically.

Using Access Lists and Basic Auth in the Domain this Handler matches on is not recommended.

An example Caddyfile would look like this: {
    handle {
        forward_auth authelia:9091 {
            uri /api/verify?rd=
            copy_headers Remote-User Remote-Groups Remote-Name Remote-Email
        reverse_proxy {

Requests from clients to will be sent to Authelia via the forward_auth directive. Then, after the authentication has been completed, the reverse_proxy directive sends the traffic to the Upstream.

Run Caddy Process Unprivileged

In this plugin, Caddy runs as root. This is required when well-known ports are used. Since the default ports are 80 and 443, Caddy will be started as superuser.

For higher security demands, there is the option to run Caddy as www user and group. This comes with the restriction of only being able to use upper ports.

Make sure all of the domains have empty ports, or ports above the well-known port range before continuing. There is a validation that will prevent configuring well-known ports when Disable Superuser is active.

Go to Services ‣ Caddy Web Server ‣ General Settings ‣ General

  • Enable the advanced mode
  • Add custom upper HTTP Port, e.g. 8080
  • Add custom upper HTTPS Port, e.g. 8443
  • Enable the checkbox Disable Superuser
  • Disable the checkbox Enabled and press Apply
  • Enable the checkbox Enabled and press Apply

From now on, Caddy will run as www user and group. This can be verified by checking the user of the Caddy process.


With this configuration, Port Forward (DNAT with PAT) should be used to forward port 80 and 443 to the new alternative HTTP and HTTPS Ports. For IPv6 additional steps could be required.

Bind Caddy to Interfaces


Binding a service to a specific interface via IP address can cause lots of issues. If the IP address is dynamic, the service can crash or refuse to start. During boot, the service can refuse to start if the interface IP addresses are assigned too late. Configuration changes on the interfaces can cause the service to crash. Only use this with static IP addresses! There is no OPNsense community support for this configuration.

This configuration is only useful if there are two or more WAN interfaces, and Caddy should only respond on one of them. It can also solve port conflicts, for example if one interface should DNAT or host a different service with the default webserver ports. In all other cases, it is always better not to do this.

  • Create the following files with the following content in the OPNsense filesystem:

  1. /usr/local/etc/caddy/caddy.d/

  1. /usr/local/etc/caddy/caddy.d/defaultbind.conf

http:// {

Now Caddy will only bind to and It can still be configured in the GUI without restrictions.

Read more about the default_bind directive: Default Bind

Custom Configuration Files

  • The Caddyfile has an additional import from the path /usr/local/etc/caddy/caddy.d/. Place custom configuration files inside that adhere to the Caddyfile syntax.
  • *.global files will be imported into the global block of the Caddyfile.
  • *.conf files will be imported at the end of the Caddyfile. Don’t forget to test the custom configuration with caddy validate --config /usr/local/etc/caddy/Caddyfile.

With these imports, the full potential of Caddy can be unlocked. The GUI options will remain focused on the reverse proxy. There is no OPNsense community support for configurations that have not been created with the offered GUI. For customized configurations, the Caddy community is the right place to ask.


Sometimes, things do not work as expected. Caddy provides a few powerful debugging tools to analyze issues.

This section explains how to obtain the required files to get help from Caddy Community.

  1. Change the global Log Level to DEBUG. This will log everything the reverse_proxy directive handles.

Go to Services ‣ Caddy Web Server ‣ General Settings ‣ Log Settings

  • Set the Log Level to DEBUG

  • Press Apply

Go to Services ‣ Caddy Web Server ‣ Log File

  • Change the dropdown from INFORMATIONAL to DEBUG

Now the reverse_proxy debug logs will be visible and can be downloaded.

  1. Validate and download the Caddyfile.

Go to Services ‣ Caddy Web Server ‣ Diagnostics ‣ Caddyfile

  • Press the Validate Caddyfile button to make sure the current Caddyfile is valid.
  • Press the Download button to get this current Caddyfile.
  • If there are custom imports in /usr/local/etc/caddy/caddy.d/, download the JSON configuration.


Rarely, a performance profile might be requested. For this, a special admin endpoint can be activated. This admin endpoint is deactivated by default. To enable it and access it on the OPNsense, follow these additional steps. Do not forget to deactivate it after use. Anybody with network access to the admin endpoint can use REST API to change the running configuration of Caddy, without authentication.

  • SSH into the OPNsense shell
  • Stop Caddy with configctl caddy stop
  • Go to /usr/local/etc/caddy/caddy.d/
  • Create a new file called and put the following content into it: admin :2019
  • After saving the file, go to /usr/local/etc/caddy and run caddy validate to ensure the configuration is valid.
  • Start Caddy with configctl caddy start
  • Use sockstat to see if the admin endpoint has been created. sockstat -l | grep -i caddy - it should show the endpoint *:2019.
  • Create a firewall rule on LAN that allows TCP to destination This Firewall and destination port 2019.
  • Open the admin endpoint: http://YOUR_LAN_IP:2019/debug/pprof/
  • Follow the instructions on Profiling Caddy.